We began in 2007 with our first two show dogs UKC #4 Papillon, Multi Group placing, GRCH Raven Crest Kings Ransom, CGC, TDI and UKC GRCHptd Raven Crest Simply Irresistible CGC TDI. We have since expanded our wings into the performance world and LOVING every minute of it!! Our butterflies do it all, and we are always up for a new challenge to play in.
Over the years our dogs have been trained and/ or compete in Conformation, Agility, Weight Pull, Obedience, Rally, Barn Hunt, Frisbee/ Disc, Parkour, Freestyle Dance, Scent work, Fast Cat, Therapy dogs, and selectively trained for medical Service Dogs. We are blessed to have butterflies in homes who have achieved numerous titles in multiple venues and events.
We are big advocates for health testing! We actively worked alongside the Penn state university research team and the Papillon Club of America Genetics team to help find and develop a marker for NAD - Neuro Axonal Dystrophy. We are open to discussing this horrific disease, with open minded breed fanciers. We encourage all Papillon fanciers to health test and submit all results for NAD, Pap-PRA1, VWD1, CFVII, and OFA cardiac and patella results.
We are located in PNW Washington, a few hours from Seattle.
This page will be a continued work in progress. For the most current news and updates, please *like* and follow us on facebook.